Новините на Огледало във FACEBOOK

Публикувано на:
18 Авг 2011 14:19
от Kalin
Поради по-голямо удобство преместихме нашите новини във , както и на първа страница на сайта на Огледало, докато са активни!
Re: Новините на Огледало във FACEBOOK

Публикувано на:
21 Юни 2018 08:11
от nini
Mohamed Saeedah, the Egyptian national superstar, denied the allegation that the unity of the players has become one of the causes for the World Cup. 2018
It is the first player in the country's history for Salah to break the door in the world. At the same time, he is also the third player of the nation to continue. Abdul Rahman Fawcy and Abdad Abe Elena at the big tournament.
However, Salah's door was not enough for the Egyptians to break the deadlock after the two defeats, but the players insist on all players in the team as well.
"I would like to insist that Egypt is united and there will be no split between us, our compatriots certainly," the Liverpool striker posted a message through Twitter.
"We respect each other and always honor each other and our national team is the best. Nothing is going to happen to us."