6-ти Рожден ден на Огледало

Публикувано на:
02 Окт 2009 22:55
от Kalin
Ето днес 2-ри октомври 2009 вече стана на 6 годинки ... като един малък човек си е нашето Огледало.
Да са ни живи и здрави всички танцуващи в него хора. Да се радваме взаимно и да се чувстваме щастливи и сполотени и да не даваме на ежедневието да бъде по-силно от нас.
Оставете телевизора, телефона и скуката... пуснете си хубава музика, докоснете любим човек и потанцувайте!
Честит рожден ден на всички Огледалчовци

Публикувано на:
02 Окт 2009 22:59
от Kalin
И както винаги гледаме да го празнуваме след някоя тренировка
Това ще се случи с една торта със 6 свещички на 5-ти октомври на тренировката на ядрото на Огледало - децата състезатели!
Re: 6-ти Рожден ден на Огледало

Публикувано на:
04 Юни 2018 06:45
от nini
Liverpool fans are satisfied with the way Fenway Sports Group takes the club to step up.
But it is still expected that the team will spend more than 100 million pounds this summer.
American club owners now hold Liverpool for the eighth year after taking over from October 2010.
It may have been a disappointing time in their era, but the appointment of the Britannia Clopp reinvented the team and made it through the Champions League final. League to Geral Madrid, the last weekend.
Fenway Sports Group has been criticized for trading late last summer after not bringing Vigilan, Dug, or Naimie. Guido joined the team before the start of the 2017/18 season.
But after the money is the world record. Dyke came in January as well as the closing of the Guidonia deal to join the team in the new season, giving them more vocal support.
Refusal to release Felipe Gettin 'to Barcelona at the request of the cloppers, to improve their stability. Before approving the sale with a price of 142 million pounds in January.
In addition, the money to spend another 40 million pounds to get Fanclub from Monaco and chase Nabal Feck may give them another exciting summer.
This is reflected in the results of the club's fan questionnaire.
Liverpool Echo
Make up at the beginning of the week.
Thousands of fans have answered a number of questions, including about club owners.
The results reflect the voices of supporters John W. Henry, Tom Werner, and their followers.
When asked how the Fenway Sports Group evaluated this eason, 32.7% voted 8 full 10, while 9 ranked 10, slightly less than 31.1%, and only 2.1% scored 5 or fewer. The total score was 14.8%
Although it is happy, it is clear that the fans wantto invest in the club this summer.
If you do not count. Liverpool should invest more in this summer.
49.8% voted 100-150 million pounds, followed by 30.9% at 150-200 million pounds, which means more than 80% of fans want the team to spend around that.
Only 7.1% want to see more than 200 million pounds, while 11.9% believe that spending 50-100 million pounds is enough.
According to most fans, the money should be added to 3-4 new players.
The question is how many new players will Liverpool need to be added to? 47.1% of the fans responded, while the other 35.9% chose 4.