от nini » 09 Юни 2018 08:02
The media reported that Liverpool were reluctant to grab the Nibelfeiler Playmaker France national team from the Olympics until Lyon could postpone the deal.
The current news is that "Reds" will announce.
The 24-year-old star officially does not exceed Friday.
For £ 52.8 million
From the England side, Liverpool have been reluctant to buy the Futsal after a physical examination.
Liverpool are close to deal with both the player and the agency, while Fecker is undergoing a physical examination and an interview with LFCTV already.
But the launch did not occur on Friday as planned, due to some concerns from the Liverpool side, with no apparent cause.
One of the possible causes is that the Frenchman has suffered a severe knee injury in the last 18 months, and has had to stay for several weeks because of a knee injury.
Liverpool manager Jeremiah Klopp to assess whether or not to fecker or to target other options in the 10th.
so anyway
Monte Carlo
The French radio said that Fagir's move would take place this Saturday, as Lyon was waiting for the official buy-and-sell date to be released on June 9th so that revenue from the sale would be available next season.