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Мнениеот Kalin » 25 Фев 2005 22:46

За всички, които са регистрирани след публикуване на определен брой мнения се присвоява ТИТЛА, видима точно под името:

ТИТЛА - Минимален брой мнения
МЪДРЕЦ - 250


http://www.danceogledalo.com/forum/prof ... greed=true
Последна промяна Kalin на 04 Дек 2009 23:18, променена общо 1 път
Учител в Огледало
Мнения: 1422
Регистриран на: 11 Ное 2004 21:45
Местоположение: Varna, Bulgaria

Мнениеот Radina » 14 Мар 2005 17:38

Състезател на Огледало
Мнения: 183
Регистриран на: 11 Ное 2004 21:48

Мнениеот Kalin » 14 Мар 2005 23:46

Учител в Огледало
Мнения: 1422
Регистриран на: 11 Ное 2004 21:45
Местоположение: Varna, Bulgaria


Мнениеот JABI » 31 Авг 2005 08:53

Абе калински зрител и наблидател не е ли едно и също???????Я гги поогледай още малко!!!!!Искам и аз да съм активист :-( Не искам да съм зрител :D или пък акко задаваш много въпроси-лубопитко!!! 8-)

Radina написа:
Тука сега като се съберем едни мъдреци и оле малееее....Само да не си останем с приказките...Какво ще ни правиш толкова мъдри хора...просто незнам.... :wink:

ами ще се съберем и аз сега тупам ама скоро :-( ...
Луууди луди ЖАБИ на сън;-)
Мнения: 100
Регистриран на: 27 Юли 2005 18:49
Местоположение: Варна


Мнениеот JABI » 31 Авг 2005 09:03

Ами как да слойа туи да копирам на някои думите или да сменя цвета щото не се сменя при мене!!!! :shock: Защо?Защо все на мен!!!???оффффф!!!!мммммммммм да добре чао!!!!!! :lol:
Луууди луди ЖАБИ на сън;-)
Мнения: 100
Регистриран на: 27 Юли 2005 18:49
Местоположение: Варна


Мнениеот JABI » 01 Сеп 2005 09:06

Луууди луди ЖАБИ на сън;-)
Мнения: 100
Регистриран на: 27 Юли 2005 18:49
Местоположение: Варна


Мнениеот JABI » 01 Сеп 2005 09:10

Луууди луди ЖАБИ на сън;-)
Мнения: 100
Регистриран на: 27 Юли 2005 18:49
Местоположение: Варна


Мнениеот JABI » 01 Сеп 2005 09:14

Луууди луди ЖАБИ на сън;-)
Мнения: 100
Регистриран на: 27 Юли 2005 18:49
Местоположение: Варна

Мнениеот JABI » 24 Яну 2007 23:00

Луууди луди ЖАБИ на сън;-)
Мнения: 100
Регистриран на: 27 Юли 2005 18:49
Местоположение: Варна

Мнениеот Kalin » 25 Яну 2007 15:14

Учител в Огледало
Мнения: 1422
Регистриран на: 11 Ное 2004 21:45
Местоположение: Varna, Bulgaria

Мнениеот JABI » 25 Яну 2007 15:25

Луууди луди ЖАБИ на сън;-)
Мнения: 100
Регистриран на: 27 Юли 2005 18:49
Местоположение: Варна


Мнениеот Emo » 01 Фев 2007 00:49

Мнения: 33
Регистриран на: 16 Мар 2006 00:13
Местоположение: На покрива на катедралата

Мнениеот Kalin » 01 Фев 2007 13:39

Учител в Огледало
Мнения: 1422
Регистриран на: 11 Ное 2004 21:45
Местоположение: Varna, Bulgaria

Мнениеот slav4e » 01 Фев 2007 13:48

RoZaTa E kRaSiVa, No ImA bOdLi. LuBoVtA e PrEkRaSnA, nO iMa SuLzI...
Мнения: 42
Регистриран на: 02 Ное 2006 20:50
Местоположение: Varna

Мнениеот Emo » 01 Фев 2007 20:25



Регистриран на: 11 Ное 2004
Мнения: 718
Местожителство: Varna, Bulgaria

Има стигнали... има... :lol: :roll: :eek: :twisted:
Мнения: 33
Регистриран на: 16 Мар 2006 00:13
Местоположение: На покрива на катедралата

Мнениеот Kalin » 02 Фев 2007 00:19

ха хааа...аз от 0 съм си админ...то има и други админи;-)
Учител в Огледало
Мнения: 1422
Регистриран на: 11 Ное 2004 21:45
Местоположение: Varna, Bulgaria


Мнениеот voog46385 » 06 Яну 2017 05:37

To understand the need for a much better experience preferred.
Мнения: 28
Регистриран на: 18 Ное 2016 06:05


Мнениеот SokSareth » 06 Яну 2018 10:22

Мнения: 200
Регистриран на: 16 Юни 2017 06:17

New Movie 2018 ''Jurassic World''

Мнениеот vaiybora » 28 Яну 2018 05:34

New Movie 2018 ''Jurassic World''

If you are a fan of dinosaurs, jurassic world series. Get ready to meet the thrill of a dinosaur. Jurassic world 2018 action movie, adventure, sci -fi Finally, waiting for the 14-year-old movie that fans are waiting for is finally over.

For Action Adventure Movies Jurassic Park sequel meets the story 22 years later after the first jurassic park (1993) on Isla Nuña, created and opened as a theme park for dinosaur exhibits. In addition, there are new species of dinosaurs that have been developed. Difficult to have both size and intelligence more. To draw more attention to the audience than ever before.
It has brought a new disaster. Human beings must survive again. Produced by Steven Spielberg, starring Chris Pratt, chris pratt, Bryce Dallas, Howard Robinson, Nick Simpson, ty simpkins, Jake John. Honey, Al Khan and Bhaya Wong judy greer. Directed by Colin Trevor, colin trevorrow.
Мнения: 101
Регистриран на: 15 Сеп 2017 16:36


Мнениеот SocialWork » 13 Фев 2018 07:44

After age 50 us begin near assume many different character qualities. Some designed for these traits is because to a smaller serving size of sexual energy flowing because of the or it is we demand just mellowed frequently. The youths are accelerated, weddings are instead done, and great age is coming.
Steakhouse is ideal place have fun in a beautiful meals and even celebrate a special occasion. There's also a variety as a result of steakhouse because of South E Seaport just who reserve a few days when considering private activities. You are going to celebrate a married relationship, anniversary, cat occasions, birthdays a whole lot of other seconds at this type of steakhouses.
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No many types of research are going to replace that foremost responsible evaluation referenced by dad or mum category. Parents might want to patiently and even practice a very good old fashion advanced schooling visit, and check out the school look into the same way perhaps you may the pick a car. Do investigative work to establish who provides the most for one investment, and never forget your virtually all precious heading will take advantage of your in-depth evaluation.
5 adding nourishment to self-care practices which improve an important physical, unconscious, emotional BEST OF ALL creative state of health. You are going to apply this type of straightforward ideas for one's life at once. To secure changes you have got to know enabling you to be. Examine this type of areas and even run the merchandise items you desire to.
Мнения: 36
Регистриран на: 13 Фев 2018 07:31

New Movie 2018 American ''Get Out''

Мнениеот vaiybora » 03 Мар 2018 11:04

New Movie 2018 American ''Get Out''

Get out of the movie with a horror-related horror film that is biting. Pinch to this Will we see all of that in the end? Get out of the director of the film will have to tell you that before. This horror movie will surprise you. As if the time bomb was set aside. Then burst out thunder in the end.

"Did you tell your family? I was black. "The first sentence was from Chris Washington (Danielle Caliya), who spoke to Rose's girlfriend (Allison Williams) while driving to visit her family. Weekend And when he got to see his family. They all talk to each other. But when I notice the talk like. Vote for Obama Photo of Jesse Owens, a color runner at the 1936 Olympics, gives us enough insight into the coloring of the skin (because it's not necessary when you talk to people. Color, then you have to say, but about color people at all)Chris is faced with a strange atmosphere as soon as he stepped into this place. In addition to the white people who are the family of Rose, there are also black people living there as well. They are servants here.
Мнения: 101
Регистриран на: 15 Сеп 2017 16:36


Мнениеот sanpiseth40 » 24 Ное 2018 08:23

Please see my website
Мнения: 248
Регистриран на: 23 Ное 2018 09:48


Мнениеот sanpiseth40 » 19 Яну 2019 09:18

Please see my website
Мнения: 248
Регистриран на: 23 Ное 2018 09:48

สมัครสมาชิกกับ คาสิโนออนไลน์ วันนี้ฟรีโบนัส มากมาย

Мнениеот sanpiseth40 » 28 Фев 2019 09:44

เป็น คาสิโน ดีที่สุดของคาสิโนออนไลน์ที่ได้รับรองมาตรฐานถูกต้องจากประเทศกัมพูชา มาพร้อมเกมส์ที่หลากหลายทั้ง บาคาร่า รูเลท ไฮโล กำถั่ว และเกมการเดิมพันอื่นๆอีกมากมาย สามารถร่วมสนุกได้ตลอด 24 ชั่วโมง ในทุกเกมที่คุณชื่นชอบ สมัครร่วมสนุกกับเราได้ทันที พร้อมรับโบนัสฟรี มากมาย

* โปรสมัครใหม่ฝากขั้นต่ำ100บ.รับเพิ่ม 30%
* ฝาก 200 บาทขึ้นไปรับ 5%
* ฝาก 3,000 บาทขึ้นไปรับ 10%
* คืนยอดเสีย 5% ทุกวันอังคาร
* แนะนำเพื่อนรับ 10%

* เงื่อนไขการรับโปรโมชั่น 30%
ลูกค้าต้องทำยอดชนะ 3เท่ารวมทุน
ตัวย่างเช่น –ฝาก 1000 บาท รับโบนัส 30% =300 บาท รวมเครดิตที่ได้ 1300 บาท และต้องทำยอดชนะสะสม 3 เท่ารวมทุน: 1300 x 3= 3900 บาทจึงจะสามารถแจ้งถอนออกได้พร้อมโบนัสได้ หากทำยอดไม่ถึงก็ถอนได้แต่ทางเราขออนุญาตหักโบนัสคืนเท่านั้นค่ะ
สนใจติดต่อสอบถาม เว็ป เปิดบริการตลอด 24 .ชมนะคะ
Мнения: 248
Регистриран на: 23 Ное 2018 09:48


Мнениеот veranix » 07 Апр 2019 17:20

Мнения: 156746
Регистриран на: 07 Апр 2019 14:55



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